The territory

The populations who lived in Emilia between the Iron Age (IX century B.C.) and the High Middle Age (VIII century A.D.) such as Etrurians, Celtics, Latins and Longobards took in high consideration the pork breeding and ate its tasty and juicy meat. There were few people per square kilometre and agriculture was quite marginal. The most of the territory was covered by a wide forest (mainly chestnut-trees, oak-trees, beech-trees, poplars and willows) filling up mountain slopes and high and low Po valley.

Gigi il Salumificio was founded in 1980, when Mauro Reggiani builds a small factory in Castelnuovo Rangone, in the province of Modena. The Company name comes from the diminutive of Luigi, Mauro’s father, died in 1967. Jole, Luigi’s wife, often called her husband affectionately “my Gigi”. To his mother Jole and his wife’s parents, Enzo and Ada, the production of Ciccioli and Strutto (lard) starts with the purpose of preserving and keeping alive the culture of a cold meat cut closely linked with its territory and the Italian cold meat tradition.
With Mauro’s wife, Maura Fontana, the company increases the range of produced salumi, focusing on quality and tradition still today considered the most important characteristic of successful products. After finishing their school training, the two sons Luigi and Luca join the company improving and developing sales and production. Today the company challenge is to keep on offering excellent products maintaining unchanged local traditions and the characteristic quality of salumi. All that is possible thanks to a close team willing to achieve such a target.
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I nostri ciccioli

I ciccioli morbidi (Tender ciccioli)
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I ciccioli croccanti (crispy)
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